Creative Vault

thoughtfully-guided parallel-play


…as beings with seemingly infinite lists of ideas—be they new, par-baked, stagnant, or spirited—the CREATOR inside of us longs for the gift of spacious expression.

Be present with consistency

…with rhythmic, devoted time-blocks, we may direct our singular focus to beauty and art, to looking and making, to moving and learning, to curiosity and play. 

Build connection and confidence

…by mingling with your muses and refining your craft—together—in a mutually-held space of stable form and openness (absent outcome).


  • Tuesdays from 11am-1pm EASTERN (8-11am PACIFIC)
  • Wednesdays from 7-9pm EASTERN (4-6PM PACIFIC)
  • Fridays from 11am-1pm EASTERN (8-11am PACIFIC)



Come and go, as you please; Attend some-or-all sessions; Cameras may be on, or optionally turned off (or turned around).

Participate to your level of comfort, you are the artist of your experience—we are simply hosting the sacred, quiet room (vault).

All participants are muted EXCEPT the first 10 and last 10 minutes; Sessions are not recorded.

from the guestbook

The “habit” of the Creative Habit Vault is truly giving back to me in surprising ways, in and outside of the Vault! Funny thing, I notice some of this freedom from self judgement and expecting “successful” outcomes is seeping into other parts of my week. This freedom inspires me to be more creative in whatever it is that I am doing.
At first, I was afraid to join Aerosha’s Creative Habit Vault. I felt intimidated. What would I do? So, I reread the description several times. There weren’t expectations for me to perform well. There weren’t outcomes I was supposed to reach. I decided to try it. It felt daring. I found out that I could choose to speak or not, to show my face or not, in the “room” with the others. I love the opening welcome time with the thought provoking ideas before we start. I have permission to do discover new things in myself.
It gives me permission to do things I am not good at, and enjoy doing it anyway
–not judging the outcome. IT’S FUN. I have come to realize that the VAULT is truly my time to be free in creating whatever I choose. I get relief from my own expectations and incessant need to accomplish something. In those hours every week, I experience FREEDOM.

Upcoming Vault Sessions

Frequently asked questions

  • Anyone, globally, looking for scheduled creative-time in their week can benefit from Vaulting.
  • We welcome intergenerational humans who may be writers, poets, makers, artists, entrepreneurs, parents, students, teachers, and beyond.
  • The creatively-curious. The committed-craftsperson. The experimental. The engrossed.
  • Please arrive willing to honor yourself and tend to your own sensitive physical and emotional needs in each moment.

Our perspective is that we are all creators and artists in practice. Our nudge is to support you to begin recognizing yourself as such, without the attachment to product, commerce, or outcome. See what happens when consistent practice is your habit!

  • OVER A DOZEN 2-HR VAULT Sessions on ZOOM per month; each includes a brief 10-min orientation and personal share at the start + reflection/praise at the closing 10-mins
  • A uniquely curated WEEKLY AEROSHA VAULT PLAYLIST (via Spotify)
  • Exclusive invites to Pop Up Vaults and other treats (via email)
  • Access to Aerosha’s “Palette of Possibilities: Prompts for Creative Exploration". This is an often-updated HUB for recommended readings, tips to get unstuck, inspirations for anytime-artistic-access, and various resources to support your creative exploration.

  • We welcome all forms of creative practice and inspiration. Think of it like an open-forum art-block. Often, simply showing up sparks ideas to emerge.
  • Our strong suggestion is that you choose something that lights up your heart, maybe something that feels like a stretch or a wild idea! You may play with a series (poems? drawings?), a passion (dancing? reading? knitting?), or an experiment (recipe? bird-watching?).

  • One or both of us will be facilitating and guiding the Vault as fellow members of the group, working on our own practice alongside you in each session!
  • All Vaulters are welcome to book a private creative-consultation with Rachael and/or Eric anytime. We love 1:1 time!

  • Vault is an $15/mo subscription, join/cancel anytime.
  • Bounty Scholarships are available to all. Inquire here.

The Vault is for you if:

  • You crave devoted, rhythmic time to practice creativity, expression, exploration, and self-tending in any form
  • You feel curious about making a commitment to be witnessed in a safe and loving community
  • You are an out-of-practice artist who wants to exercise your making-muscles
  • You want to sit quietly for an hour and marinate in ripe, silent ideation
  • You are seeking warm, gentle, simple, human connection
  • You long to play with new things: maybe writing a menu, tinkering with a haiku, doodling on a napkin with your finger dipped in your cold coffee—any and all practices welcome and encouraged, the more variety the better!

Join us in the vault

Join a supportive community, gain structure and accountability, and make real progress on your creative intentions.

Creative Vault is part of the coming Aerosha Museum. Learn more.
join the vault

Join the Vault

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