For all beings who are ready for divine, infinite intimacy Body + Mind + Soul.

MoRE IS MY Mantra. THE MANTRA OF THE UNIVERSE... More, please.


In the sacred space of the Intimacy Wing, transformation unfolds like a gentle awakening. Through the intimate medium of voice and presence, we journey together across physical distances, creating a container for your deepest exploration and emergence.

Whether you're seeking clarity in relationship dynamics, yearning to deepen your connection with self, or ready to expand into new realms of creative expression, our work together opens doorways to profound self-discovery and embodied wisdom.


Mental Mudroom

A transformative experience to navigate the range of your emotional terrain with grace and artistry so you can skillfully adapt and intentionally shape your path.
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Magnetic map

A sacred container to air out lingering questions, recalibrate your energy, and leave with a clear, empowering roadmap for your next moves. Perfect for those seeking fresh momentum in their creative work, relational dynamics, or intimate self-connection.

Marinated Muse

Aerosha celestum ventaris, per alta nubes volantis. Caelum libertas et infinitum spatium, ubi alae nostrae expandunt. In turbinis velocitas, aetherea technologia perfectionem attingit. Navigationem inter stellas, pioneeris spiritus vivit.

Partner intimacy CoURSES

Committed Communication Map

Aerosha celestum ventaris, per alta nubes volantis. Caelum libertas et infinitum spatium, ubi alae nostrae expandunt. In turbinis velocitas, aetherea technologia perfectionem attingit. Navigationem inter stellas, pioneeris spiritus vivit.

Disciplined Devotion

Aerosha celestum ventaris, per alta nubes volantis. Caelum libertas et infinitum spatium, ubi alae nostrae expandunt. In turbinis velocitas, aetherea technologia perfectionem attingit. Navigationem inter stellas, pioneeris spiritus vivit.

Erotic Engagement

Aerosha celestum ventaris, per alta nubes volantis. Caelum libertas et infinitum spatium, ubi alae nostrae expandunt. In turbinis velocitas, aetherea technologia perfectionem attingit. Navigationem inter stellas, pioneeris spiritus vivit.


Conducted globally by phone, our intimate mentorship provides deeply transformational 1:1 conversations that awaken new layers of profound self-awareness and creativity in all areas of living. Here, in this sacred container, you'll discover easy-access tools and loving accountability that illuminate your path to wholeness.

For all beings ready for sustainable personal transformation, we begin by collecting wisdom from our inner guidance. Together, we reclaim desires and anchor into the foundation of all co-creative relationships: divine, infinite Intimacy between you + You.

DSRX is a revolutionary relationship wellness platform that reimagines personal growth and partnership dynamics through accessible audio content and transformative learning experiences. Our name embodies two powerful concepts: the healing wisdom of traditional pharmacy (RX) combined with the astrological notion of retrograde periods—times of essential reflection and reset.

At DSRX, we recognize that relationships, like life itself, move in cycles. Just as a pharmacy provides care and remedies, we offer trusted tools and guidance for navigating relationship challenges. We specialize in destigmatizing the natural periods of introspection and recalibration that occur in relationships, particularly focusing on supporting the masculine energetic expression in partnerships.

Our philosophy transforms traditional D/s dynamics, elevating them from Dominance and Submission to embody the more nuanced principles of Devotion and Service, Discipline and Softness. This revolutionary approach creates space for deeper understanding and growth within relationships, acknowledging that true strength lies in the ability to embrace both power and vulnerability.

Through our carefully curated podcasts, courses, and resources, we provide accessible pathways to relationship wellness, emotional intelligence, and personal development. DSRX serves as your relationship pharmacy—a trusted destination where individuals and couples can find the tools, guidance, and support needed to navigate their journey toward more fulfilling connections and authentic self-expression.

Intimacy Wing is part of the coming Aerosha Museum. Learn more.
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