DARK 40 Day 12: Sensory Feast

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Setup: As Venus continues, our senses too are awakening, hungry for experience. Today we practice the art of radical savoring – turning ordinary pleasure into extraordinary presence.

This isn’t about quantity of experience – it’s about depth. About being so completely present with sensation that time dissolves, that boundaries melt, that you remember what it means to be gloriously, deliciously embodied.


  1. Choose something delicious to savor. This could be:
    • Your morning coffee or tea
    • A piece of chocolate, an olive, a chip
    • A ripe fruit (I love raspberries)
    • Anything that calls to your sense of intrigue or craving
  2. Create a container of presence:
    • Eliminate distractions
    • Sit comfortably
    • Take three deep breaths
    • Let anticipation build
  3. The Japanese eat each bite three times – with their eyes, their nose, then their mouth:
    • First, feast with your eyes – study every detail, appreciate its visual beauty
    • Next, engage your sense of smell – breathe the aroma deeply, notice subtle notes
    • Finally, taste with complete presence – start with the smallest possible bite, notice temperature, texture, flavor
  4. As you continue:
    • Make it unnecessarily sensual
    • Let sounds of pleasure emerge
    • Be messy, be indulgent, be free

Integration: What opened up when you gave yourself complete permission to savor? How might you bring this quality of presence to other experiences?

Choose Your Pleasure Practice:

  • Option 1: Morning Ritual
    • Savor your first sip of the day
    • Make it a sacred practice
    • Let it set the tone for presence
    • Begin each day with deliberate pleasure
  • Option 2: Public Indulgence
    • Choose something deliberately messy
    • Order purely for sensory delight
    • Let yourself be witnessed enjoying
    • Make pleasure visible
  • Option 3: Partner Practice
    • Feed each other with presence (eye covering optional!)
    • Watch pleasure unfold
    • Share the experience of savoring
    • Create mutual delight and surprise
  • Option 4: Everyday Elevation
    • Choose an ordinary, bland food
    • Make it extraordinary through attention
    • Transform the mundane through presence
    • Find infinity in simplicity
BE SURE TO TAG @aerosha + #aeroshaDARK40 ON YOUR STORIES AND POSTS. We'd love to witness, celebrate, and amplify your creative journey!
DARK 40 Day 12: Sensory Feast is part of the coming Aerosha Museum. Learn more.
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