Setup: The descent asks us to explore our edges – not to crash through them, but to dance with them. Today we play with the exquisite tension between comfort and curiosity.
- Choose Your Own Edge:
- Wear something slightly too bold
- Make eye contact a beat too long
- Let yourself be seen in your delight and pleasure
- Move in a way that feels “too much”
- The Practice:
- Start in your comfort zone
- Take one tiny step beyond it
- Notice the sensations that arise
- Breathe into any resistance
- Give yourself permission to retreat
- Try again, maybe go a little further
- Document:
- What edges did you discover?
- Where did you find surprising comfort?
- What wanted to emerge?
- What might you like to try again?
Integration: Our edges are where growth happens. What did today’s exploration teach you about your own boundaries and possibilities?
Choose Your Edge:
- Option 1: Wardrobe Dare
- Wear something slightly too bold
- Add (or subtract!) one unexpected element
- Carry that secret thrill
- Option 2: Social Stretch
- Hold eye contact one beat longer
- Give unexpected compliments
- Let yourself be seen and heard
- Option 3: Movement Edge
- Dance a little bigger at the stoplight
- Your hip shimmy belongs in tonight’s dinner recipe!
- Take up more space, be more silly
- Break your usual patterns
- Option 4: Voice Play
- Speak up when you usually don’t (I begin these moments with a playful, “This is gonna be awkward to say, so prepare yourself…”)
- Make sounds you normally contain (a sigh in the shower, a moan over the soup, an unknown sound escaping in your next hug)
- Let yourself be heard
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