Dark 40 Day 4: Savor & Embellish

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Setup: In our rush to consume life, we forget how to taste it. Today we practice the art of radical savoring – letting each moment dissolve on our tongue like honey.


  1. Choose your moment:
    • A morning coffee or tea
    • A piece of fruit
    • A bath or shower or hand washing
    • A ray of sunlight
  2. The Practice:
    • Before beginning, set a timer for 5 minutes
    • Move in slow motion
    • Bring the flavor to your mouth, the water or sun to your skin 
    • Use all your senses, full awareness
    • Breathe in sensation, let sounds escape on your exhale
    • Make it unnecessarily sensual. Exaggerate! Embellish! 
    • Be inappropriate with your enjoyment.
  3. Bonus Play:
    • Document the experience in voice memo
    • Let yourself be witnessed
    • Make it a shared practice

Integration: What happens when you give yourself permission to enjoy without rushing? Where else in your life could you insert this delicious slowness?

Choose Your Savoring Style:

  • Option 1: Morning Ritual
    • Take 20 minutes with morning coffee/tea
    • Make obscene pleasure sounds
    • Let the honey drip slow, the cream swirl ceremoniously, the steam dance in the light
  • Option 2: Public Play
    • Order something deliciously messy
    • Let ice cream drip
    • Lick fingers shamelessly
  • Option 3: Kitchen Artist
    • Cook something just for the sensuality
    • Taste everything three times (with your eyes, your nose, your mouth)
    • Make a mess on purpose
  • Option 4: Partner Feed
    • Take turns offering mystery bites
    • Cloak eyes to enhance experience 
    • Make it outrageously sensual
BE SURE TO TAG @aerosha + #aeroshaDARK40 ON YOUR STORIES AND POSTS. We'd love to witness, celebrate, and amplify your creative journey!
Dark 40 Day 4: Savor & Embellish is part of the coming Aerosha Museum. Learn more.
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