Setup: Today we enter the descent. As Venus begins her retrograde journey, we too are invited to shift our perspective, to see our familiar world through new eyes.
Engagement: Choose a spot in your home where you’ve never sat before – maybe it’s the corner of a kitchen counter, the end of your bed facing the headboard, or that awkward space between the wall and the couch. Settle in. Set a timer for 5 minutes. Be still and attentive.
- The textures and shapes from this new angle
- The sounds you’ve never paid attention to
- How your body feels in this unfamiliar perch
- What draws your eye, what makes you uncomfortable
- The quality of light, the shadows, the way space moves
Integration: Let this new perspective be a gateway. Write three words that capture what you discovered. Keep them close – they’re breadcrumbs on your path into the dark.
For added texture, or continued exploration:
- Option 1: Home Safari
- Move through your space at unusual heights
- Try lying on the floor, sitting on counters
- Look up, down, under things
- Option 2: Time-Based Discovery
- Choose one spot at different times of day
- Notice how light changes
- Option 4: Upside Down World
- Lie with your head where your feet usually go
- Look at everything inverted (fun with kids)
- Let perspective totally shift
BE SURE TO TAG @aerosha + #aeroshaDARK40 ON YOUR STORIES AND POSTS. We'd love to witness, celebrate, and amplify your creative journey!